Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Boring is Good

I had my monthly appointment with the midwife today. Nothing exciting to report which is a good thing. I mostly look forward to these appointments because it means I am 4 weeks closer to being done. Kailyn and Brandon both went with us again B seemed to get bored this time and started pulling out all of his school work in the middle of the appointment. Kailyn was oblivious she only went because she didn't want to miss dinner at the Old Country Buffet afterwards. She sat on her phone and texted the whole time she said she finds the appointments "boring" and listening to the heartbeat "creeps her out". These are not the same midwives I saw with my last pregnancy, and I thought at first they gave off less of a crunchy vibe. I think I may have been wrong because their answer to every little complaint I have has been vitamins. My last appointment I complained about some muscle cramps and she suggested 2 new vitamins so my regimen now includes 1 prenatal vitamin, 3 iron pills, 1 vitamin D, 1 folic acid, 3 fish oil, and a calcium powder. Our conversation on the way home.
Kailyn- "Mom is it possible to overdose on vitamins?"
Me- " I sure hope not"

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